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Entrega de premis i torneig llampec 3+2 Dia 4 de desembre 19.15hIV Memorial Joan Segura Grup BPosledná aktualizácia 27.11.2024 23:23:16, Creator/Last Upload: Daniel Leiro Giralt
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | EloF | EloN | Typ | Gr | Klub |
1 | | Lozano Colomer, Gabriel | 54716969 | CAT | 1819 | 1882 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
2 | | Gaona Vila, Pau | 22244999 | CAT | 1791 | 1867 | | | Penya Mollet Xxi, Club D'escac |
3 | | Costa Trave, Jaume | 2221632 | CAT | 1784 | 1866 | | | El Prat, C.E. |
4 | | Salom Jovani, Oriol | 24517550 | CAT | 1784 | 1862 | | | Amposta C.E. |
5 | | Adam, Sophia | 54508002 | CAT | 1781 | 1867 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
6 | | Aparicio Escudero, Hector F. | 2291916 | CAT | 1777 | 1884 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
7 | | Martin Valentin, Francisco | 2255693 | CAT | 1777 | 1853 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
8 | | Esteban Cahua, Moises | 54786339 | CAT | 1772 | 1852 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
9 | | Paez Nunez, David | 32046960 | CAT | 1771 | 1885 | | | Torreblanca, Club Escacs |
10 | | Diaz Clemente, Gonzalo | 54718694 | CAT | 1763 | 1849 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
11 | | Baucells Nuri, Enric | 94739196 | CAT | 1746 | 1758 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
12 | AFM | Garcia Garrido, Ferran | 94790485 | CAT | 1745 | 1838 | | | Platja D'aro, Club Escacs |
13 | | Langstrom, Sammy | 24576999 | CAT | 1739 | 1785 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
14 | | Pico Garcia, Antoni | 32012063 | CAT | 1731 | 1735 | | B | Tres Peons C.E. |
15 | | Bagur Cantallops, Antoni | 22233326 | CAT | 1727 | 1768 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
16 | | Rams Domenech, Roger | 523054115 | CAT | 1724 | 1747 | | B | Gandesana C.E. |
17 | | Bertrand, Sjors | 1054520 | NED | 1723 | 1793 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
18 | | Volart Buil, Jordi | 2269775 | CAT | 1722 | 1824 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
19 | | Orriols Codina, Joan | 2286246 | CAT | 1720 | 1762 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
20 | | Garcia Alcober, Virgilio | 54587808 | CAT | 1719 | 1785 | | | Torreblanca, Club Escacs |
21 | | Domenche Redondo, Francesc | 2279584 | CAT | 1717 | 1800 | | | Castellbisbal, Club Escacs |
22 | | Ntutumu Alene, Ireneo Bartolome | 94741409 | CAT | 1717 | 1772 | | | Ideal D'en Clave C.E. |
23 | | Herrerias Gonzalez, Andreu | 32013302 | CAT | 1706 | 1754 | | | Congres C.E. |
24 | | Forcadell Escouffier, Albert | 22288317 | CAT | 1701 | 1748 | | B | Tres Peons C.E. |
25 | | Madrid Sole, Antonio | 2220555 | CAT | 1696 | 1840 | | | Jake C.E. |
26 | | Membrives Pino, Didac | 54537142 | CAT | 1694 | 1781 | | | El Prat, C.E. |
27 | | Iglesias Marti, Francesc | 54785073 | CAT | 1694 | 1767 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
28 | | Domenech Flores, Jordi | 2298554 | CAT | 1692 | 1755 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
29 | | Agut Alvarez, Josep Lluis | 32023308 | CAT | 1689 | 1777 | | | Arenys De Munt, Centre Moral |
30 | | Pastor Prieto, Elias | 54562074 | CAT | 1686 | 1763 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
31 | | Perolet Perez, Miquel | 2289300 | CAT | 1680 | 1781 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
32 | | Sans Bascu, Joaquin | 2279835 | CAT | 1678 | 1712 | | B | Espiga De Les Corts |
33 | | Delgado Fernandez, Luis | 32095228 | CAT | 1674 | 1750 | | B | Cadena Escacs |
34 | | Sanchez De Medina Vilagrasa, Enric | 22249150 | CAT | 1673 | 1752 | | | Tres Peons C.E. |
35 | | Samper Gonzalez, Pedro | 54560438 | CAT | 1670 | 1720 | | B | Tres Peons C.E. |
36 | | Menendez Cabrera, Enric | 24579866 | CAT | 1667 | 1732 | | B | Societat Coral Colon Sabadell |
37 | | Esteve Garcia, Antoni | 22249117 | CAT | 1665 | 1697 | | B | Tres Peons C.E. |
38 | | Rovira Homs, Luis Ignacio | 94750866 | CAT | 1663 | 1623 | | B | Tres Peons C.E. |
39 | | Julbe Colom, Lluis | 54521220 | CAT | 1661 | 1775 | | | Congres C.E. |
40 | | Castillo Rosa, Jose Luis | 54538530 | CAT | 1659 | 1700 | | B | Tres Peons C.E. |
41 | | Riera Mestres, Josep | 22256709 | CAT | 1658 | 1746 | | B | Tona-La Crema Club Escacs |
42 | | Bestow, Hannah Luise | 54784352 | CAT | 1650 | 1701 | | B | Peon Negro, Club D'escacs |
43 | | Garcia Fernandez, Didac | 54584647 | CAT | 1644 | 1700 | | B | Ullastrell C.E. |
44 | | Andrade Neto, Gentil | 54706408 | CAT | 1641 | 1643 | | B | Tres Peons C.E. |
45 | | Joya Abadal, Eduard | 24590231 | CAT | 1615 | 1647 | | B | Tres Peons C.E. |
46 | | Soriano Rafel, Xavier | 54567556 | CAT | 1611 | 1689 | | B | Tres Peons C.E. |
47 | | Sanchez Fibla, Xavier | 94709408 | CAT | 1607 | 1659 | | B | Tres Peons C.E. |
48 | | Pigrau Santpere, Josep Maria | 54562082 | CAT | 1596 | 1596 | | B | Tres Peons C.E. |
49 | | Febrero Perez, Lluis | 2281627 | CAT | 1591 | 1668 | | B | Comtal C.E. |
50 | | Ylla Soro, Rafael | 2296225 | CAT | 1589 | 1578 | | B | Congres C.E. |
51 | | Nagaro Fernandez-Maldonado, Francisco | 523057050 | CAT | 1577 | 1591 | | B | Sant Cugat Club Escacs |
52 | | Maugeri, Paolo | 94771626 | CAT | 1567 | 1618 | | B | Peon Negro, Club D'escacs |
53 | | Ayllon Barranco, Miguel | 2203251 | CAT | 1561 | 1624 | | B | Catalunya E.C. |
54 | | Palmarola I Creus, Antoni Maria Claret | 94780560 | CAT | 1557 | 1557 | | B | Tres Peons C.E. |
55 | | Majoral Marco, Javier | 94768978 | CAT | 1556 | 1615 | | B | Tres Peons C.E. |
56 | | Bartomeus Plana, Ramon | 523097213 | CAT | 1554 | 1606 | | B | Dos Torres Sant Cugat, C.E. |
57 | | Cervera Alemany, Serafi | 2295130 | CAT | 1551 | 1581 | | B | Tres Peons C.E. |
58 | | Sorribas Girona, Carles | 94764018 | CAT | 1512 | 1628 | | B | Peon Negro, Club D'escacs |
59 | | Gendre Diez, Virginia | 24500887 | CAT | 1505 | 1439 | | B | Torrenegra C.E. |
60 | | Trubat Altarriba, Jordi | 94763631 | CAT | 1487 | 1507 | | B | Tres Peons C.E. |
61 | | Pereniguez Escuder, Jose Maria | 94706271 | CAT | 1476 | 1445 | | B | Tres Peons C.E. |
62 | | Hurtado Farre, Ildefons | 54521092 | CAT | 1408 | 1320 | | B | Tres Peons C.E. |
63 | | Chalmeta Torredemer, Santiago | 523062622 | CAT | 0 | 1603 | | B | Foment Martinenc C.E. |
64 | | Marine Cabrisses, Carles | 94799920 | CAT | 0 | 1289 | | B | Tres Peons C.E. |